Tag Archives: injury

Accelerate ACL Recovery with Targeted Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide

An ACL can be defined as the two joints that join at the knee. Recovering...

Athlete Mental Health Insurance Coverage and Support Systems

Athletes face immense mental challenges that often go unnoticed. Despite the perception of stability and...

Common Myths and Misconceptions in Sports Insurance

The world of Sports offers joy, companionship, and a sense of achievement. However, it is...

Return to Play After Ankle Sprains

A published study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine studied athletes with first time ankle...

Could real-time sensors prevent sport injuries?

Many players ages 10-12 years old- are suffering head concussions while playing contact sports, Football,...

The Struggle athlete’s face when dealing with an ACL injury

Pro soccer player Joanna Lohman 34, is going through the challenging exercises that are now a daily...

Inherent Risks in Hockey: Recent Develops in the Law

By Jim Tomlinson and Mahdi Hussein 1 Introduction: Those who have watched or participated in...

What is Accident Insurance?

Accident Insurance pays for medical bills of injured participants. This policy assures that your kids...